Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Congratulations Peter on achieving your FEA designation!

Having the FEA designation leads to deeper relationships with family enterprise clients and a broadened perspective of the issues business families face – including generational transitions.

After completing the year-long Family Enterprise Advisor Program, followed by a rigorous exam process, Peter Andreana was granted the Family Enterprise Advisor (FEA) designation. He joins the ranks of approximately 350 highly skilled, experienced, and educated FEAs across Canada who have demonstrated outstanding competence and practice advising business families.

Business families like yours have complex and unique multi-generational challenges. Enterprising families need guidance and support to structure the unique processes required to succeed, thrive, and build a legacy. The FEA designation means we are better equipped to deliver thoughtful integrated and collaborative decision-making within the family, the business, and the ownership circles.

The FEA designation is a valuable addition to our technical expertise and provides Continuum II Inc. and our clients with a diverse lens that is necessary in supporting a family’s complex continuity needs. And in case you didn’t know, Continuum II Inc. is also a family business founded by Peter’s mother Lise, now retired, and in the office Anita (sister) and Cathy (sister-in-law) work side-by-side every day along with the rest of the team.

Welcome to the 1st ever FEA workshop!

SAVE THE DATE:  Thursday, May 30th - 8am to 3pm
Check-in starts at 7:30am - Breakfast, lunch, and a wealth of great information including meeting materials all for only $50 per person. Feel free to pass this along to your family members, business partners, clients or friends. All are welcome. Get tickets now!


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